peter noever · guest lectures at various international institutions
in europe, the usa and asia.
“Kein Wort mehr … Obsessionen. Transformationen. Manifestationen”, 19 October, Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna
“NO RETURN!” — lecture at IDEAS symposium, 10 Sept 2016, UCLA, Los Angeles
“Upheavals, Dislocations — Will There Be A Change Of Direction In Art?” Guest lecture by Peter Noever, 1 June 2016, University of Vienna
“Hadid & Noever, Art & Architecture in Conversation”, Moderator: Joseph Giovannini, 19 June 2015, Angewandte Innovation Laboratory, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Open Folder, Artist Workshop, 6 June 2015, Műcsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest
Lecture by Peter Noever: “A Moment of ContemporaryIs Today’s Mandate of Mediocrity Increasingly Displacing Radical Visions in Art?”, 1 December 2014, The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
Excursion to “The Pit”, UNESCO Cultural Heritage Day, 17 May 2014, Breitenbrunn, Burgenland, Austria
Don’t ask me! Assertions on Art and Architecturelecture on the occasion of an international competition for the architectural and landscape concept for a museum of street art in St Petersburg, 22 October 2013, 7 pm, State Museum of the history of St Petersburg
“Resisting Expression” Workshops at Steinhaus, Peter Noever, Vienna; 18–20 October 2013, Steinhaus, Carinthia, Austria
“URBAN AMBITION: Assessing the Evolution of L.A.”, symposium at the getty center, los angeles, 30/31 may 2013
“next. ART VERSUS MEDIOCRITY” lecture by peter noever at all-russian museum of applied arts, moscow 26 march 2013
“never again resistance?” in memoriam günther domenig, workshop & symposium, Carinthia, Austria
“REFERENCE TO THE UNDEFINED — mandate for experimenting with the future.” key note lecture & panel discussion, 2nd sunhoo industrial design & creativity festival, hangzhou, zhejiang province, china
“ART curated by …” presentation and video-clip, “the open university of diversity”, Hasselt, Belgium
“disappearance – art museum without art”, lecture at the international congress “the history and future of art and design museums”, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, Germany
“the (secret)* return of no/ever” exhibition at the ACE Museum, Los Angeles
“contemporary art territory 21 – a radically new strategy for up–to–date art institutions”, workshop and lecture Los Angeles / Guangzhou / Vienna, SCI-Arc, Los Angeles
“mind the gap”, lecture at Kaneko, Open Art Space, Omaha, Nebraska, USA
“design as strategy”, guest lecture at First Festival in Hangzhou, Province Zhejian, China
“NOW”, IOA SLIVER lecture series, selected friends and enemies, Prof.
Prix and the sliver team, Studio Lynn, University of Applied Arts Vienna
“Bedingungslos”, Institute for Art History, University of Vienna
“craving thrust reversal in architecture”, ARTos Foundation, Nicosia
“time is on my side”, Art Arsenal/Art-Kyiv contemporary 2010, Kiev
“The power of Art”, Museum of Yugoslav History, Belgrade, Serbia
“no risk. no art.” Iparműveszeti Múzeum / Museum of Applied Art, Budapest, Hungary
“To the bitter end. Architecture” Centre for Central European Architecture, Prague, Czech Republic
commitment to the present. Art / Architecture / Design. In the crossfire
of tradition and experiment”, American Academy in China (AAC), Lijiang,
“The Mirror of Venus. Landart on the Edge of Architecture”, Institute for Architecture at the University of Schargorod, Schargorod, Ukraine
“The Call of the Site. On the state of art today” Viktor Pinchuk Charitable Foundation Contemporary Art Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
“Heaven’s Gift”, Krasnoyarsk Museum Center, Siberia, Russian Federation.
“Signals to M13. On the state of art and architecture”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
“The shake down of Architecture. On the loss of ethics in building in
all its monstrosity”, National Center of Contemporary Art (NCCA),
Moscow, Russian Federation.
“Are the Architects the Root of all Evil?”, SCI-Arc (Southern California Institute of Architecture), Los Angeles, California, USA
2003 “Museum as Focus”, ICCRAC Kanazawa, Japan
2003 “Running with the pack … or making art?” State University of Cheboksary, Chuvashia, Russian Federation
1995 “Learning from Havanna” Havanna, Convento de Santa Clara, Cuba
1994 “Upstairs Down”, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA
1988 “The Pit”, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA