Peter Noever, "out‾of the blue", Die Grube / The Pit
[ Art and Architecture Out There ]

The first opportunity to discover Peter Noever's comprehensive oeuvre at the beginning of the eurasian steppe. Published by Schlebrügge.Editor –  € 24,00 [A]€ 23,30 [D] $ 26,99 [USA]

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▶︎ Europe: lehmanns media
▶︎ Vienna: Schlebrügge.Editor
▶︎ International: Arcana Books

Die Grube/The Pit, situated at the interface between two world cultures, at a geopolitical intersection, at the beginning of the Eurasian Steppe, is Peter Noever’s “work in progress.” out ̄of the blue provides a first-ever representative overview of the still-to-be-realized projects here, including The Tower and House with Boat. Despite ongoing, polemically charged pushback, Noever continues steadfastly in pursuit of their realization.

“With the complete ‘leveling’ of Vienna’s Ringstraße doomed to remain an urban reform utopia for the time being, 1970 saw Peter Noever commence realization of his visionary landscape architecture project Die Grube/The Pit in Breitenbrunn, Burgenland. This project is about no less than overcoming the Ringstraße and the structural and ideational inversion of the round dumpling-topology (convex) to create a pit (concave). Burgenland, traditionally a region that Austrian modernism has tended to neglect, thereby became the site of an antagonistically tinged dialogue with Viennese modernism and its both cultural and ideological ‘Ring- centeredness.’ Noever’s Pit represents his negation of the ‘Ring structure,’ indeed being recognizable in its revolutionary aspect as an ‘Anti-Ring.’ Die Grube/The
Pit is Noever’s ‘work in progress,’ having expanded continually over the decades since its inception in 1971. Via this expansion, Noever also proclaims his underlying architectural and design-aesthetic idea of a radically open process that can never be completed, only discontinued.”

Peter Noever, museosopher, exhibition creator, designer, architect, media interventionist, art director, and longtime director of the MAK (Vienna/Los Angeles), lives and works in Vienna.

Gabriel Ramin Schor (Cover-Text "out of the blue, 2021", SCHLEBRÜGGE.EDITOR)

Original Version in German:
„Die Grube/The Pit ist Noevers Work in Progress. Mit out of the blue liegt nun erstmals eine representative Übersicht der noch zu realisieren- den Projekte wie Der Turm und Haus mit Boot vor. Unbeirrbar hält
Peter Noever trotz anhaltender Polemiken an deren Realisierung fest.

Da die restlose Schleifung der Wiener Ringstraße vorerst eine utopische Urbanreform bleiben wird, hat Peter Noever bereits im Jahre 1970 damit begonnen, sein visionäres Landschaftsarchitektur-Projekt Die Grube/The Pit im burgenländischen Breitenbrunn zu realisieren. Es handelt sich um nicht weniger als die Überwindung der Ringstraße, um die strukturelle und ideelle Inversion der runden Knödel-Topologie (konvex) in die Grubenform (konkav). Das traditionell von der österreichischen Moderne eher vernachläßigte Burgenland wurde so zum Schauplatz eines – antagonistisch geprägten – Dialogs mit der Wiener Moderne und seinem kulturideologischen Ring-Zentrismus. Noevers „Grube“ stellt seine Negation der Ring-Struktur dar, ist in seinem revolutionären Moment erst als Anti- Ring erkennbar. Die Grube/The Pit ist Noevers Work in Progress, insofern als es im Jahre 1971 einsetzt und seitdem, seit Jahrzehnten, permanente Erweiterung findet. Darin bekundet Noever auch seine architektur- und designästhetische Grundidee von einem radikal offenen Prozess, der nie zum Abschluss, sondern nur zum Abbruch gelangen kann.“

Peter Noever, Museologe, Ausstellungsmacher, Designer, Architekt, Medieninterventionist, Kunstdirektor und langjähriger Direktor des MAK (Wien/Los Angeles), lebt und arbeitet in Wien.

— Gabriel Ramin Schor (Klappentext Buch „out of the blue, 2021“, SCHLEBRÜGGE.EDITOR)

The Publication

In this book, the provocative, indefatigable initiator and director emeritus MAK Vienna / Los Angeles reveals his intentions towards art and architecture in an in-depth conversation. In addition, future projects are highlighted as well as a comprehensive inventory of the Land Art project, with previously unpublished drawings, photos and documents.

Pioneering art- and architecture theorists such as Michael Sorkin and Marc Leschelier, as well as art and culture publicist Markus Mittringer, shape the content of out‾of the blue [ Art + Architecture Out There.]

In addition to a series of artists' interventions such as those by Walter Pichler and Six & Petritsch, outstanding figures of the art and cultural scene such as Bernard Rudofsky, Carlo Scarpa, James Turrell and Achille Castiglioni dealt with Noever's intervention in the pannonian quarry landscape.

Excerpt of the 8 page conversation between Peter Noever and Klaus-Jürgen Bauer

<div class="caption">Excerpt of the 8 page conversation between Peter Noever and Klaus-Jürgen Bauer, out‾of the blue, 2021 © archive studio no/ever</div>

Original Version in German: Auszug der 8-seitigen Unterhaltung mit Peter Noever und Klaus-Jürgen Bauer

▶︎ Buy the publication here:
▶︎ Gallery – Architektur Raumburgenland:

With texts by Sergej Bugaev Afrika, Marc Leschelier, Mark Mack, Markus Mittringer, Peter Noever, Rudolf M. Schindler, Michael Sorkin, Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch, Walter Pichler and an interview between Klaus-Jürgen Bauer and Peter Noever

Language: English / Interview DE+EN
17 × 24 cm, 128 pages with 212 illustrations in color and b/w
Published on November 4, 2021 on the occasion of the exhibition "out‾of the blue – Die Grube / The Pit" at Architektur Raumburgenland, Eisenstadt.

ISBN 978-3-903172-86-9
€ 24,00 [A] € 23,30 [D]


2021 © archive studio no/ever