Germany, mon amour!
Archive Art Architecture Design

curated by Peter Noever

This project will open up a new perspective on contemporary art production. In turn this will initiate a process that creates space for networks of relationships between systems of reference and of meaning, in forms both visual and verbal (and entirely apart from the usual rankings).

The archive “Germany, mon amour!” was finalized with more than 200 works by artists, architects, and designers in December 2015. A part of the archive was already shown at the Cini Foundation on the occasion of the Venice Biennale in August 2015. Further exhibitions will be organized in the near future.

The catalog showing all artworks with accompanying texts by Bazon Brock (“What is so German about Contemporary German Artists?”) and Peter Noever (“The state of the art and the state of the world”) will be published in 2016.

Archive Austria

In collaboration with Luciano Benetton, we already realized the project “Vienna for Art’s Sake! Archive Austria / Contemporary Art” in 2014; this included production of an elaborate publication encompassing 161 works by important artists / architects / designers. The eponymous large-scale exhibition was shown from 27 February until 31 May 2015 at the Winter Palace of Prince Eugene, Belvedere Vienna.

8 January 2015, paris bar, berlin – with michél würthle, hans-jürgen commerell, anca munteanu, uta grosenick, peter noever, elisabeth schweeger, bettina m. busse, manfred wakolbinger, tina bauermeister 

Advisory board

“Germany, mon amour!” is supported by an advisory board consisting of the following individuals:

Tina Bauermeister, art and cultural historian, Berlin
Bettina M. Busse, art historian / curator, Berlin/Vienna
Hans-Jürgen Commerell, director ANCB, Berlin
Helmut Friedel, Prof. Dr., director, Museum Frieder Burda,
Baden-Baden, director emeritus of the Lenbachhaus, Munich
Uta Grosenick, publisher: Distanz Verlag, Berlin
Hubert Klumpner, architect, professor / dean at the ETH, Zurich
Leonore Leonardy, curator / art exhibition management, Berlin
Anca Munteanu Rimnic, artist, Berlin
Elisabeth Schweeger, Prof. Dr., director of the Academy of Performing Arts Baden-Württemberg, Ludwigsburg
Manfred Wakolbinger, artist, Vienna

Organisational team

Bettina M. Busse, project manager and assistant curator, Berlin
Leonore Leonardy, communication and assistant curator,  Berlin
Studio noever-design, Wien 

The catalog “Germany, mon amour!” with all participants and an essay by Bazon Brock will be published in 2016.

Since the archive “Germany, mon amour!” is the newest among those slated to be shown in Venice and was not yet complete when preparations for this exhibition were being finalized, we will be able to exhibit only part of this over 200-work archive at Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice.

Participants of the Venice exhibition, 1 Sept – 1 Nov 2015

Adéagbo, Georges
Aldinger, Marc
Alhäuser, Sonja
Aly, Marie
Arzensek, Ina Vanessa
atelier le balto (Véronique Faucheur, Marc Pouzol & Marc Vatinel)
Barth, Thom
Bergmann, Benjamin
Bertram, Maria Elektra & Guillou, Raphael Maxim
Bisky, Norbert
Böttger, Matthias
Bonk, Ecke
Bourquin, Nicolas
Brandlhuber, Arno
Braun, Björn
Braun, Mark
Busse, Hugo Holger
Capetillo Hernández, Yorjander
Caramelle, Ernst
Cziba, Marion
Daniaux, Magali & Pigot, Cédric
Dellbrügge & de Moll (Christiane Dellbrügge & Ralf de Moll)
Detzner, Dieter
Diefenbach, Andrea
Dieker, Birgit
Doubrawa, Reinhard
Dudler, Max
Eberle, Hedwig
Ebner, Peter
Eilergerhard, Anke
Ekici, Nezaket
Elzholz, Claus
Engel, Richard
Erkmen, Ayşe
Ermen, Ilse
Feireiss, Lukas
Fink, Xenia
Folkerts, Thilo
Forouhar, Parastou
Freitag, Peter
Garrett, Jono
Gaussi, Jeanno
Goerge, Thomas
Grabosch, Daniela
Grcic, Tamara
Grillitsch, Christian
Gröne, Oliver
Grözinger, Philip
Groß, Sabine
Haimerl, Peter
Hantmann, Tobias
Heger, Swetlana
Heide & von Beckerath (Tim Heide & Verena von Beckerath)
Heijne, Mathilde ter
Hipp, Benedikt
Huberti, Tanja
Isaacs, John
Ivković, Ivana
Jagenburg, Steffen
Jankowski, Adam
Jorn, Ib Maurice
Jourdan, Benjamin
Jünemann, Stephanie
Jung, Petra
Kaludova, Elena
Kaminska, Renata
Karaduman, Bengü
Kattler, Vera
Kaufmann, Ruprecht von
Kellndorfer, Veronika
Khatami, Shila
Kikauka, Laura
Klauke, Jürgen
Köbberling, Folke
Kraneis, Pauline
Krauskopf, Peter
Kuball, Mischa
Kuehn Malvezzi
Kühnemann, Olaf
Lahr, Christin
Larsen, Sigurd
Leitner, Cindy (& Aberer, Lukas Rudolf)
Lenhart, Stefan
Link, David
Lohrmann, Karen & Martino, Stefano de
Lorenz, Susanne
M+M (Martin de Mattia & Marc Weis)
magma architecture (Martin Odermann & Lena Kleinheinz)
Mailänder, André
Marković, Maja & Scoufaras, Louis-Philippe
Mattner, Jakob
McCann, Niamh
Mercado, Marcello
Moldrickx, Christine
Nalbach, Gernot
Nalbach, Johanne
Neufeldt, Florian
Nicolai, Olaf
Olma, Veronika
Otto, Anna Kerstin
R. Armstrong
Rave, Lisa
Martin Rein-Cano
Reinmuth, Matthias
Reitmeier, Lisa
Riebel, Stefan
Roessler, Thomas
Ruffing, Selina Rosa
Samsonow, Elisabeth von
Sauerbrey, Nicole
Sauerbruch Hutton (Matthias Sauerbruch & Louisa Hutton)
Schama, Sophia
Schmidt, Gunna
Schmitt, Lisa Marie
Schönefeld, Nina E.
Schuiki, Nina
Schumer, Stefan A.
Schwartz, Simon
Serebriakova, Maria
Sollmann, Philine
Solmsdorf, Juliane
Something Fantastic (Julian Schubert)
Steckbauer, Melissa
Steinert, Martin
Stolte, Fiete
Teichmann, Lars
Weibel, Peter
Weid, Heinrich
Westphal, Sarah
Wendland, Tilman
Whelan, Michael John
Wille, Barbara
Wirtz, Roland
Wöhrl, Martin
Würthle, Michel
Wunderlich, Felix