An on-going basic design project initiated and designed by Peter Noever, vienna and Andrea Lenardin, Los Angeles. A call to shape our future. To create new, if necessary, radical strategies to oppose the crushing mainstream, the mediocre global sentiment. In addition we invite the outstanding positive forces from here and there to participate. To shape a contemporary future.
This project is accompanied by the desire not to deny locally grown characteristics but to confront them with global phenomena and to create a new dimension.
Design as an interface between cultural diversity and global challenge in a time of dramatic political exclusion.

See notebook pages in gallery below
for details on submission of a project.
a design project by
peter noever | andrea lenardin
wien | los angeles
in collaboration with
harald bichler
galerie rauminhalt wien
21 June – 4 August 2018
Galerie Rauminhalt
Vienna, Austria